Saturday, June 4, 2011

marketing communication

 marketing communication
Marketing communications is a subset of the total area subject known as marketing. Marketing, price, place, promotion, marketing mix has been made of the product (known as the four P's) people, process and physical evidence, including, when marketing services (7 P's also known as). Why are marketing communications is in good shape? Marketing communications, from 'promotion' of the marketing mix is. Why Integrated Communications' Integration is sold, you can join or merge, it just means putting the puzzle piece or together to create a complete picture. This is a single message to be forwarded from all marketing communications. The various messages, confuse customers and damage brands. Television advertising to, images, logos and messages, newspaper and advertising material for the stores the same logo, images and messages, you must bring something to bring up the same theme or assembly. Coca-Cola is using the familiar red and white logo, has the theme of unity and joy through their marketing communications. It contains a mix of marketing communications. Mix the elements are mixed in different quantities in the campaign. The following list contains the various elements, is not conclusive. It (the voucher, ask the shop to collect sales promotion and public relations, for example, to donate computers to school?) It is recognized that there is some middle ground between the individual elements The key here Sales promotion, sales increase, the use or evaluation of products and services (not covered by other elements of communication and promotional marketing mix, ie the initiative) is made by any initiatives to promote the organization. Sales promotion is varied In many cases, they are virtually impossible to create original, for a complete list of all available technologies (original sales promotion, so the day started!) This popular sale Some examples of promotional activities: () Baiwanwan - Free (BOGOF) to achieve - is an example of promotion of self-liquidation. For example, if sold at a dollar a loaf of bread, have the sale price of two $ 1 10 cents to produce, the more useful - but a corresponding increase in sales if there are particular. This is known as a strategy to promote reward. (B) (CRM) Customer incentives such as coupons for bonus points and money. Supermarkets, banks have many examples of CRM. (C) The new media - mobile phones that support and promotion as a fan. For example, the United Kingdom, Nestle, when he won the prize, the consumer dynamic Kit This web site and enter the code - Kat's packaging, print the code on the individual. Through their mobile phones the same effect as consumers, the code in the text. (D) is added and Danpubin merchandising, marketing materials and product demos please visit the point. (E) of cases without a gift: the subway, lost cards that have six spaces each sandwich with the purchase of stickers. After filling out the card is given to consumers free sandwich. (F) Example of price: Easyjet and Ryanair, the low-cost offerings and the latest e-mail clients, the new flight, or if issued, and additional destinations to be announced, a budget airline. (G) joint campaign with the brand owned by the company, or the trademark of another company. For example, many fast food toys are tied to a particular version of the film, and then with a meal has been the distribution of marketing promotion. (H) free samples (aka sampling) Example: the taste of food and drink sampling point at the supermarket. For example, Red Bull (caffeine soda) (Promotion Team) at a gas station and High Street was given away to potential consumers at the supermarket. (Ⅰ) good and codes, many newspapers and magazines found in the package. (J), competitions and awards, television, radio, Internet newspapers, magazines, design, and package. (K) to raise funds for charitable causes, and also by farmers and manufacturers on a fair-trade products are becoming increasingly popular. (L) financial transactions - the chosen vehicle, for example, 0% financing in three years. Many of the cases, we focused on the consumer. Similarly, the campaign wholesalers, remember that you can aim a reseller. These are known as trade promotion. For example, a manufacturer and distributor, where flyers and other promotional material (T) and co-promotion, but may include incentives for retail customers and distributor sales reps there

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