Saturday, June 18, 2011

marketing Mass Communication

In the current situation, and all types of market competition has increased. Manufacturers and many others. Trying to create. Add value to the product. Using advertising and publicity in the form. Such as to attract consumers to their products or services I have in them. These things are called. "Marketing communications", Marketing or Communication.
Mass Communication ( ) and marketing communications. (Marketing Communications) and Marketing (Marketing) to communicate. Marketing (Marketing Communication) is different? In the field of journalism or politics and is well known that 30 years and the staff working in the entertainment industry's most complete communications with the public does. Cable television, radio and film. Journalist, or even creative, it is made. Most people know that the media need to learn anything. The work is said. The integrated marketing communications with journalists. It would be correct in terms of creating a product or service to be known all over the field. With the target market. The main goal of marketing is. To generate sales and profits. But the purpose. Principles of marketing communications is to create a brand that is known. Extensively and build relationships. In the long run between the brand and the customer. When there is a clear extension of the marketing communication is that of branding (Branding) is involved. The heart of marketing communications is to communicate this information. The channel must be the right time and the target so that the communication was sent. The more effective. Sales and profits will follow when the communication is effective.
In view of the business. Vice President of Marketing Communications. O communications. Marketing. Many people think it can work in the communications market. Market, but in fact. The content of the communications market will be focused. The purpose of communication is the key to the understanding of the brand. Products and services. Meet the production needs to be communicated to the consumer's perception. If verbal communication. Taste, smell, sound or image or picture. Depending on the communication. Marketing plan and implement the financial support to be sent to clients properly. Communication tools to present information and persuade the customer to know the product. The channel is similar to using the press. The main marketing communication tool. Using all six channels.
1 advertising (advertising). 2 PR (Public Relations). 3 Communications, Direct Marketing (Direct Marketing Communication). 4 Marketing Communication (sales promotion of communication). 5 Personal communication (personal communication). From 6 to support the marketing activities (events and sponsorships).

In addition, effective communication must be consistent with the data on all channels. Way of presenting information to the media that we call integrated marketing communication (IMC) or Information Management. This means using a funnel. More than one way up to the media. In order to reach their customers across all channels. For example, to see comments such as Insight Education Consulting Company. The study in Australia. The use of both university students and young professionals. Therefore, the use of marketing communication tools to reach the 3 groups vary depending on the style of life, such as marketing communications can be. A marketing tool to promote the schools. To give up. Groups of students. Or university. For students. In addition. The publication of leaflets, is considered as a way to reach students in the group of people working in the media that is used is to advertise on the radio. The group People listen to the radio during most of the media and outdoor advertising such as billboards. By train or subway, can send information to these groups.
Thus we see that the marketing of Insight may have to use the tools. Advertising and public relations and marketing, including three main channels for the three target groups in the message must have three channels. The congruence Insight is the company's priority is to consult with students. Interested in studying in Australia. Even the color of the Insight will be green. The green itself. Insight on the flyer, not gray, but white-label advertising Insight outdoor motor must be passed in the message. Coherent and meaningful. How to describe the interaction. Reinvent yourself. The advantages of an integrated communications client, not to be confused with the image of the product. The service also reduces the cost of production in some parts as well. For students interested in studying Marketing Communications. The advantage of this program. The body of knowledge can be applied to any industry. It can be seen from the food industry. Retail sector. Just as supermarket shopping center. Financial sector. The banks have been difficult to communicate to the market at this time. The automotive industry, for example, and not only that the communications market. Intensive service industries such as tourism. The beauty industry and the educational sector. It shows that marketing activities such as campaigns for Thailand is also used as a marketing communication tool to access important customer base also includes an independent, charitable organization that is also necessary. The communications market is driving people in the organization is known. Or other large public companies that focus on communications-oriented organizations. The organization has focused on communication and the product is. Also known as Corporate Communication. The Board of Pharmacy and True Corporation, the. Communication is very concentrated. As all this suggests that agency or entity to which the media. Knowledge of marketing can be implemented in every organization. Or ourselves. We can also bring Personal Communication. For the promotion Their communication skills improved. It can be seen by many leaders as Prime Minister. He said that the current Minister of Education Minister Barak Obama or even President. U. S. Personal communications and media practitioners. Of many people who believe in what they say

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